Quick wheat ciabatta

Since I discovered it, Lifehack's One-Minute Bread has been a favorite in our house. By reducing the salt, I've been able to replace half the flour with whole wheat, or get a white-flour loaf to rise in 2-3 hours. Here's the version I make just about every day:

1/4 t. dry yeast
2 C. warm water
2 C. white flour
2 C. whole wheat flour
1/4 t. salt
In a large bowl, mix the yeast and water together bit to get rid of any large clumps (pro tip - let the yeast and water sit while you get out the flour and salt and most of the yeast will dissolve on its own). Add the flour and salt, stir until everything is mixed, then cover the bowl with a wet cloth and let it rest overnight (8-12 hours). In the morning, turn your dough out into a floured baking sheet/stone, pop it into the (cold) oven, and turn the oven to 400F (I'm too lazy for preheating). Pull out your loaf 30 minutes later and start eating!